
  1. Array Subset

    Given two arrays: a[] and b[], where both arrays may contain duplicate elements, which are considered as a separate element of the set. Check if array b is a subset of array a.

  2. Common in 3 Sorted Arrays

    Find the common elements in three arrays that are sorted in increasing order. If there are no such elements return -1.

  3. Search missing element from array

    Identify and return the missing element from integer array contains distinct values in the range from 1 to n.

  4. Find second largest in an array of positive integers

    Given an array of positive integers, return the second largest element from the array. If the second largest element doesn't exist then return -1.

  5. Search subarray whose sum equals a target value

    Given an unsorted array arr containing only non-negative integers, find a continuous subarray whose sum equals a specified value target.