Subset sum (Memoization)

Given a list[] of non-negative integers and a value sum, check if there is a subset of the given list whose sum is equal to the given number.


This algorithm uses memoization to improve performance. It's same as the recursive version of Subset sum, but with a special 'cache' to store results. The 'cache key' is crucial. It's how we identify and store past results. Sometimes we need one key, sometimes multiple keys. We add code to:

# Python implementation
cache = None

def check(ls, total):
  if len(ls) <= 0:
    return False

  if total == 0:
    return True

  global cache
  if not cache:
    cache = [{} for _ in range(len(ls))]

  i = len(ls) - 1
  if total not in cache[i]:
    if ls[0] > total:
      cache[i][total] =  check(ls[1:], total)

    cache[i][total] = check(ls[1:], total - ls[0]) or check(ls[1:], total)
  return cache[i][total]

ls = [3, 34, 4, 12, 5, 2]
total = 9

print(check(ls, total))
// Javascript implementation
let cache = null;

function check(list, total) {
  if (list.length <= 0) {
    return false;

  if (total === 0) {
    return true;

  if (!cache) {
    cache = Array(list.length).fill({});

  let i = list.length - 1;

  if (cache[i][total] === undefined) {
    if (list[0] > total) {
      cache[i][total] = check(list.slice(1), total); 
    cache[i][total] = check(list.slice(1), total - list[0]) || check(list.slice(1), total);

  return cache[i][total];

const list = [3, 34, 4, 12, 5, 2];
const total = 9;

console.log(check(list, total));